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Our services

Assistance Transfer 
Terrestrial And Air Medicalized

Medicalized ambulance: intervention unit with advanced equipment manned by a trained doctor, nurse, assistant or technologist in prehospital care. It must contain  all the equipment required for the management of highly complex patients.

Neonatal transfer ambulance: it would have the same as the medicalized one adding the neonatal Hood chamber or portable incubator. 

Air Ambulance – Fixed or rotary wing aircraft manned by a physician trained in air transport aviation medicine and pre-hospital care technologist.


Pre-hospital Care includes all the care and transportation services provided to the sick and injured before they are admitted to a care facility (hospital, clinic, sanatorium, etc.). The fundamental objective is to recognize the patient in a critical situation and immediately provide basic care to achieve a better condition for transport and admission to the hospital, seeking greater survival. The patient must be transported in the most comfortable and physiological conditions possible according to their condition and with the same biosafety criteria as in hospital care. Delivery to the hospital will be accompanied by complete information, verbal and written, of the time, place and mechanism of the accident; patient evaluation, signs and symptoms, procedures performed, evolution during transfer, etc.

Basic Land Assistance Transfer

Basic ambulance:intervention unit with a specific initial response team manned by a nursing assistant or prehospital care technician. They contain everything necessary to transport a non-critical patient from one place to another.

Air Assistance Transfer

Aeromedical transport is defined as the transfer of a patient from one place to another by air. Generally arises from the need to provide more complex health care, a situation that can arise due to the urgent clinical conditions of the patient or due to the centralization of health services in urban areas; This last condition, together with the special geographical and topographical characteristics of Colombia, generates difficulty of access in some regions, from the place of origin or residence of the patients to the highly complex health institutions, for which the land transfer is made expensive, prolonged and risky; therefore, aeromedical transport provides the opportunity for patients to benefit from the speed offered by the airway to be taken to the health services that can meet their clinical needs.

Event coverage

MG Medical Group has basic and medicalized ambulances for sporting, cultural, concerts, nightclubs, social, and business events. Among others.

Our highly qualified staff will assist the user in the same place of the event, and in the event that a transfer is considered, it will be carried out immediately with security and professionalism.

Home Nursing

Home care is defined as the type of assistance or care provided at the home of patients who, due to their state of health or difficulty in mobility, cannot travel to the corresponding Health Center.


Home Medical Consultation

Home health care is an appropriate solution for certain cases. If you have a health or mobility problem, mg medical Group offers you a comprehensive service so that you receive the professional help you need. At home, like nowhere.

Protected areas

We protect the lives of your employees and customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Protect your establishment in the event of an urgency or emergency MG MEDICAL GROUP guarantees you timely medical attention, you also have:


Fast and effective communication with the central 24/7, mobile units with GPS technology to know which mobile is closest to the event, suitable equipment and  prepared 24/7 for timely attention.

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